July 4th is an amazing day to celebrate our great nation. BBQ’s, parades and spending time with our loved ones. It is also a great time to show appreciation to our military. This year MAM will be sponsoring Boot, Bang, BOOM. This campaign will allow you to show support by offering donation cards for your patrons.

Military Assistance Mission has many programs to support Arizona military from financial assistance for basic needs (rent, utilities, and car payments), morale events (Back-2-school, Operation Holiday Open House, Seat for Soldiers), and financial assistance to help those veterans transitioning to college. Your support of this program will allow us to continue offering these programs to our local heroes and their families.
MAM will supply your business with the donation cards. Please proudly display them in your establishment. Your company logo will appear on our website as a supporter of this program.
Boot, Bang, BOOM will run from July 1-July 15th.
For more information please email jmariehill@azmam.org or call 602-246-6429.
Stop by one of these patriotic businesses to donate today!